The self-heating quick-hardening repair structure of ARENA FastMix Hot30 is intended for production of a wide range of the repair work connected with elimination of cracks and other defects in building constructions and separate products from concrete. Thanks to presence at composition of initial dry mix of a complex of the modifying additives and accelerators of a skhvatyvaniye, the repair structure for ARENA FastMix Hot30 concrete possesses the expressed function of self-heating and a fast set of durability.
After preparation of structure, during the term which is no more than 45 minutes, working solution mix on the basis of structure of ARENA FastMix Hot30 has necessary mobility and is convenient in work, as on horizontal, and vertical surfaces. But in 2 hours after the end of laying, durability on compression of repair structure for ARENA FastMix Hot30 concrete reaches 40-45% of project (standard).
At a zatvoreniye warm water (35 °C-40 of °C), this mix can be applied to production of repair construction works at ambient temperature to — 25 °C, due to self-heating. Saving of time of construction of facilities, a possibility of application in the winter without additional heating, the increased durability, high adhesion to the repaired concrete surfaces, and other operational benefits, the structure of ARENA FastMix Hot30 is popular and is successfully applied in all climatic zones of the Russian Federation.