The effective self-heating quick-hardening repair structure of ARENA FastMix EasyHot8 is intended for production of all types of concrete construction works and repair of the damaged concrete structures. The repair structure for ARENA FastMix Hot8 concrete is recommended for fast seal of seams, cracks, emptiness and sinks in products from concrete and reinforced concrete, an omonolichivaniye of joints of plates, thanks to the capability to self-heating and enrollment of the increased durability in the first two hours of curing.
The most important benefits of the repair structure prepared from the dry construction mix ARENA FastMix Hot8 is the optimum mobility when laying and high adhesion to the concrete bases, intensive self-heating and a fast set of durability, stability of characteristics and frost resistance of the caused structure in use. The structure of ARENA FastMix Hot8 is one of the best materials for repair of surfaces and products from monolithic concrete that allows to perform the planned works with guaranteed quality and in the minimum terms.